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Top 5 Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds For Allergy Sufferers
Dog Breeds

Top 5 Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds For Allergy Sufferers

People often look for dogs that are free from allergies. Different breeds have tendencies of catching different allergies with time.

However, what if a dog causes you an allergy?

This is a serious issue for many dog lovers. These people are often stuck between wanting a dog and not being able to get one because of their fur allergies. You wouldn’t want to keep nursing yourself with a furry friend at home while suffering from allergies!

If you are one such dog lover, you need hypoallergenic dogs. These are the dogs that hardly shed, saving you from health complications related to your allergy. If you or even one of your family members suffers from dog hair allergy, it is better to get yourself a dog breed that does not shed. As you approach a responsible dog breeder in India to buy your pup, inform them about your condition in advance. They will show you the best hypoallergenic breeds that suit you and your family.

Before we go ahead with the blog, let us clarify that hypoallergenic dogs are not always the dogs that do not shed. They are the dogs that shed minimally. It is a common myth that these breeds do not shed at all. While this is true for some hypoallergenic dogs, others do shed a little. Always consult your doctor before finalizing the breed you purchase.

For now, allow us to give you five of the cutest and best hypoallergenic dogs you can bring home if you suffer from allergies:

1.        Poodle

Conversations about hypoallergenic dogs are incomplete without Poodles! These beautiful and stylish dogs are often the first choice for people suffering from fur allergies. They have soft and curly coats that do not shed. The fur of a Poodle grows like human hair. While you may trim it regularly, you will not be dealing with a lot of shedding with a Poodle puppy at home.

You can buy Poodles in three major sizes – standard, miniature, and toy. There are medium Poodles as well but they are very rare. Irrespective of the type of Poodle puppy you choose, you will get a hypoallergenic dog. Apart from having non-shedding coats, Poodles are lively dogs that have nothing but love for their pet parents. Moreover, they make wonderful family pets. From the kids in your family to your grandparents, everyone will fall in love with this beautiful furry friend the moment they see it!

poodle price in india

2.        Bichon Frise

This cute little Franco-Belgian dog breed comes second in our list of the most adorable hypoallergenic dogs. Bichon Frise also has a coat that grows longer instead of shedding. While you may need to take care of your furry friend’s grooming needs, you need not worry about all the shedding. Even if you are not allergic to dog hair, you can have this pooch just to stay away from the fur storms!

Moreover, Bichon Frise dogs are clean pooches. They do not drool or get themselves dirty playing in the mud. They have thick coats that trap all the dander and loose hair that they encounter. While your Bichon Frise will not shed its fur, you will need to brush its coat regularly and make regular visits to a professional groomer to keep its coat clean.

As long as you are a responsible Bichon Frise parent, your life will only get better with this pooch in it! These dogs are gentle, calm, playful, and full of love for their parents!

bichon frise price in india

3.        Shih Tzu

A Shih Tzu has now entered our list of the best hypoallergenic breeds! These furry friends have been around for quite some time and have impressed royalty with their charm. A Shih Tzu carries a low-shedding coat is ideal for most people with fur allergies. However, it is better to consult your doctor before bringing this furry friend home.

Shih Tzu dogs grow their fur long until it is trimmed. Their furry coats need quite a bit of maintenance. While you won’t be dealing with shedding issues, your Shih Tzu will need extensive grooming. From brushing and trimming its coat to bathing it and looking after its aesthetic appeal, grooming a Shih Tzu is a must. If you are regular at this, you will be rewarded with one of the cutest pets in the world!

shih tzu price in india

4.        Maltese

This is another little ball of fur that sheds less and loves more! Maltese dogs have walked the earth since the ancient Greek civilization. Their coats have furry and flowy hair that hardly sheds. With this pooch at home, shedding will be the least of your concerns. Like most hypoallergenic dogs, these pooches also need extensive grooming.

Also, Maltese dogs make some of the cutest lap dogs you can have! They love cuddling their pet parents and playing with them. They also make great playmates with your kids. A Maltese dog is like a child that never grows old, While being calm, it is a playful little furry friend that will brighten up your life!

maltese price in india

5.        Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkshire Terriers have fur that is similar to human mane. These low-shedding dogs are less likely to bother people with fur allergies. As long as you look after your furry friend’s grooming needs, there is nothing else you need to worry about with a Yorkie at home.

Yorkshire Terriers are playful dogs that are full of adorable attitude! They often forget their sizes and act like they are larger than Great Danes! While this trait is adorable at home, you should be careful while taking your pet out on walks.

yorkshire terrier price in india

Buy The Best Hypoallergenic Dogs From Saee Kennel

If you suffer from fur allergy and want to become a pet parent, Saee Kennel gives you some of the cutest hypoallergenic puppies for sale. All you need to do is inform us about your allergy and we will handle the rest. Our dog breeders bring ample experience to the table, helping you at every stage of your buying journey.